This is another test.

Let's see what a block of text looks like

  • Go in with a positive attitude
  • Look for other kids doing things that you like doing – it could be playing sport, art, music, skipping, handball etc. You will automatically have something in common!
  • Try to sit next to different kids in class so you can get to know lots of different people
  • Look out for kids who live near you – you might be able to get the bus together!
  • If you are struggling to make friends, talk to your teacher. They will be able to help you and maybe even set you up with a buddy until you find your feet
  • Try to be super organised to take the stress out of a new start. This could be planning your homework ahead of time (some kids like to do a lot at once, others a little bit each day). Get your clothes out the night before and any other equipment you might need!
  • Talk to your parents / carers about how you want your morning to go – what time you want to get up (you can agree to set an alarm or asked to be woken up), what you’ll want for breakfast and lunch, what time you need to be out the door for a lift or public transport etc.
  • Be kind to yourself! Change is hard at first. In a few weeks this new routine will feel normal!