Today (March 30) is the International Day of Zero Waste!
Did you know?
* Food that ends up in landfills generates 8 to 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
* Every minute, the
The Great Wildebeest Migration is the largest animal migration in the world.
Every year, around 2 million animals (wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle) migrate in a clockwise (north west) direction across the ecosystems of
Did you know, the 'northern lights' are caused by the sun?
When particles are emitted by the sun and strike atoms in the earth’s atmosphere, these atoms light up, producing
Did you know, more than half of all the lakes in the world are located in Canada!?
The country has 62% of all the lakes in the world with 31,700 big lakes
Easter is an important celebration on the Christian calendar, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, three days after his crucifixion. Many people will go to church over Easter celebrate.
There are lots of different